Monday, May 23, 2011

Nixon= Negative!

 I think Nixon was negative for America. During his presidency more bad things are remembered about him than the good. He has a very devious man, he had a list of people that he hated, something most people do not have. Nixon invaded peoples privacy by having "plumbers" wiretap there phones so he could listen to friends and enemies phone conversations. The real scandal Nixon was involved in though was Watergate, where his plumbers were caught in the act of wiretapping. After that it was revealed what Nixon had been doing. Nixon showed the country how un-trust worthy people are, the president is suppose to be the most trust worthy person in the country but he just let America down.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


 I think the ERA is a good concept, but in reality I don't think it could ever really be made a law. Most people see women equal so they wouldn't care if it was made a law or not, but there are a few people who wouldn't agree with this. I think women deserve equal rights just like men, but today people wouldn't take a women trying to make this a law seriously. Today people see feminists as manly women, and do not take them seriously. I like the idea of the ERA but don't think it should be brought back and tried again. We now have discrimination laws that don't allow people to discriminate based on gender.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Jackie Robinson

 Jackie Robinson was a great civil rights figure in American History, but I don't think he is the greatest. He began the movement to segregate major league baseball and helped to support African American rights. He did do many things to help support African American rights but so didn't many other peole. He is one of the few people to contribute to a huge movement to give equal rights to African Americans.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Big Boy bombaroo!

 The Zooks and the Yooks both met at the wall. Although it was not very tall, it kept them on their sides. They were both getting ready to throw the Big Boy Bombaroo! They didn't know who would be the one to throw it first. The Zook was looking at the Yook, and the Yook was looking at the Zook. They both realized they looked a lot alike. They didn't even know why they were fighting anymore. They thought, what is the point. They both have a lot in common and decided their was no point in even throwing the bomb. They took the wall down and become one city, instead of being divided by the wall. They all lived happily ever after.