Sunday, November 7, 2010

 In the Simpson's episode about prohibition they try to portray prohibition in the 1920's. There were several accuracies in the episode such as "speak easy", the mafia selling alcohol illegally, the police not enforcing prohibition, and bootlegging. The scenes that were inaccurate were that Prohibition was now being reinforced because a child got drunk in the streets. Also that the punishment of drinking was being catapulted, and that all the beer from the town was buried. Yes, I did enjoy the episode; it helped me to understand Prohibition a little better and did it in a funny way. The elements of 1920's life that were portrayed well were that people would drink alcohol illegally in secret bars, also people would try to make their own alcohol.

 A scene that I would rewrite would be the scene in the beginning of the episode when Bart accidental got drunk on St.Patrick's day and that led to prohibition being enforced. To make it more historically accurate I would show people drinking a lot and having that lead them to do stupid things. Such as to be violent, do illegal things activities or support prostitution. This would show a more accurate reason for Prohibition rather than a comical made up one.

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